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Front-End Developer | Content Creator | Blogger
In C#, the term “generic” refers to a type that is not limited to a specific data type. They allow you to define classes, interfaces, and methods with...
1.User interface (UI) : The part of a product that the user interacts with directly. This includes the buttons, icons, and other visual elements that...
👋🏽Hey Techies! I hope your hashnode journey sounds good. If yes, Today I'm going to explain best naming conventions for API endpoints. As we know...
Usually, an HTML tag consists of an opening and a closing tag that surrounds some content as shown in below : In this case, the tag <p>, which...
Spread operator allow you to quickly copy an existing array or object into another array or object. The spread operator is denoted by (...) three...
Hey Techies! Today I'm going to explain how to create fixed header and footer using CSS. You can create fixed or sticky header and footer using the...