Tools Every Web Developer Should Know and How to Use

I hope your Hashnode journey sounds like that. Well if yes, then I have something that can make good to great and, if no, then don't worry folks these tools will make that good. I have some fantastic Websites that can make your life way easier as a web developer. I use these tools and they are amazing, secure, and time-saving. Note: I highly encourage you to learn basics(HTML, CSS, JS), then move towards using these tools.



For Free PNG and SVG icons for your projects.


For Wallpapers and Images of different sizes.

Jsonplaceholder :

For JSON free API.


Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. You can run it against any web page, public, or requiring authentication. It has audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more.


Name suggests what it does :) fantastic css articles


Create box shadows in an instant, do check out front-end developers.


Create gradient real quick and easy.

Super fast and easy Social Media Sharing Buttons. No JavaScript. No tracking. Super Helpful.

convert CSS to JS:

Convert CSS to JS and VICE VERSA.